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Software Support Team: GIS

Software Support Team: GIS


ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 and Pro 2.2 have been released. Software updates and coordination will be done through the TIPS service managers. You can contact them or for more details.

Team Members

The TIPS GIS Workgroup includes members from the States and OSMRE who work together to provide services to TIPS customers. All members are proficient in the GIS software provided by TIPS and continually review changes and enhancements to the software packages.

Koplin, Chad WY-DEQ (307) 777 - 6470
Lograsso, Kamiliah OSMRE-AR (412) 937 - 2843
Mastrorocco, Tom OSMRE-AR (412) 937 - 2939


ESRI - ESRI is a high-end GIS with capabilities for automation, modification, management, analysis and display of geographic information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some common questions we get from our GIS users.
Click the arrow to the left of the question to expand the answer.

  • How do I convert coordinates from Degrees, Minutes, Seconds into Decimal Degrees?

    • How to convert from DMS to DD [Example coordinate is 37 degrees, 36 minutes, 30 seconds]

      1. Divide each value by the number of minutes or seconds in a degree
      2. 36 minutes / 60 = 0.60 degrees
      3. 30 seconds / 3600 = 0.00833 degrees
      4. Now add up the degress to get the answer:
        37 degress + 0.60 degrees + 0.00833 degrees = 37.60833 DD
  • What is the difference between the UTM and State Plane grids?

    • The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a worldwide system consisting of 60 zones, each 6 degrees wide and measured in meters. The Y-coordinate (also called northing) is the distance in meters from the Equator. The X-coordinate (also called easting) is the distance in meters from the central meridian of a zone. Positive X-values are east of this central meridian, negative X-values are west of it. The projection is Universal Transverse Mercator.
    • The State Plane coordinate system is specific for each individual state and is measured in feet. The projection is either Universal Transverse Mercator (for states that are longer north-south) or Lambert Conformal Conic (for states that are longer ease-west).

GIS Installation/Licenses FAQs

Instructions for software license downloads and installations are coordinated through your service manager. Information for software downloads will be provided with the completion of updated service agreements. You can contact your service manager or for more details.

Additional Resources

GIS Cookbooks

Spatial Analyst (Contour, Slope, Hillshade) (pdf, 1.24 MB)

Additional GIS Tools