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Funded Applied Science Projects

The Applied Science Project list below can be sorted by Subject Matter category from A-Z (Aquatic Ecology to Wildlife), by Year of Funding, or other (by Year, by Category, or Project Status). Documentation for completed projects, including Final Reports, Final Report Template, Fact Sheets, and supporting Publications, are available in PDF format.


Category Year Title Investigator Institution Additional Documents
Acid Mine Drainage 2012

Low-cost, Green Technology to Improve Water Quality in Mining-Impacted Ecosystems, Phase I - Model Development and Optimization

Xingmao Ma Southern Illinois University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage 2011

Aerating Off the Grid: Advancing Passive Treatment with Solar and Wind Power

Robert Nairn University of Oklahoma Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage 2011

Improved sulfate-reducing bioreactors for the remediation of high total dissolved solids drainage associated with coal mining and processing in the U.S.

Liliana Lefticariu Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage 2011

Low-pH Fe(II) Oxidation for Passive Treatment of Coal Mine Drainage

William Burgos Penn State University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage 2011

TROMPE: From the Past Will Come the Future

Margaret Dunn Stream Restoration Inc. Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage 2009

Developing a Geochemical add-in Module for AMD Treat to Compute Caustic Quantity to Achieve Target pH and Corresponding Effluent Quality and Sludge Volume

Charles Cravotta USGS Final Report
Acid Mine Drainage 2009

Improving Passive Mine Drainage Treatment for Manganese Removal - Phase II

William Burgos Penn State University Final Report
Acid Mine Drainage 2007

Improving Passive Mine Treatment through better understanding of Biogeochemistry and Mineralogy associated with Mn(II) Oxidation.

William Burgos Penn State University Final Report| Fact Sheet| Abstract and Report| ScienceDirect Article| 2010 Article| Applied Geochemistry Journal
Acid Mine Drainage 2006

IN-situ Mitigation of Iron in a Net-alkaline Environment

Richard Herd West Virginia University Water Research Institute Final Report| Abstract and Report| Abstract and Report
Acid Mine Drainage 2006

Improved Static Test Prediction of Acid Generation Potential: A Surface Analysis Approach.

Hylton McWhinney Prairie View A and M University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage 2006

Optimization of Bioreactor Cell Design for Treating Low-Flow Acid Mine Drainage in the Midwest: Model Development and Demonstration

Tracy D. Branam Indiana Geological Survey Final Report
Acid Mine Drainage 2005

Inter-laboratory Evaluation of Draft Kinetic Test: Procedure for Prediction of Coal Mine Drainage Quality

Roger Hornberger Pennsylvania DEP Final Report
Acid Mine Drainage, Aquatic Ecology, Water Quality 2016

Quantifying the Success and Long-term Ecological and Socioeconomic Benefits of Watershed-scale AMD Remediation Efforts Within West Virginia

Michael Strager West Virginia University N/A
Acid Mine Drainage, Mine Pools, Water Quality 2016

Developing an Isotopic Fingerprint of Acid Mine Drainage to Identify Underground Controls on Groundwater Flow Paths

Shawn Kuzara Montana Tech of the University of Montana Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage, Water Quality 2016

Development of a Modular Passive Treatment System and Evaluation of Reactive Substrates for Reducing Seasonal Effects of Acid Rock Drainage: Potential Application of Nanoparticles, Chelators and Low Isoelectric Point Substrates

Jeff Langman University of Idaho Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage, Water Quality 2016

Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of a Novel Process for Simultaneous Concentration of TDS and Recovery of Clean Water from Acid Mine Drainage

Vadim Guliants University of Cincinnati N/A
Aquatic Ecology 2015

Stream Ecosystem Response to Mining-Induced Salinization in Appalachia

Schoenholtz Virginia Tech Final Report| Fact Sheet
Aquatic Ecology 2015

Identification of Potential Chemical Stressors of Freshwater Mussels in the Clinch River, Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia

Roger Stewart VA DEQ N/A
Aquatic Ecology 2011

Effective Monitoring and Assessment of Total Dissolved Solids as a Biotic Stressor in Mining-Influenced Streams

Stephen Schoenholtz Virginia Tech Final Report| Fact Sheet
Aquatic Ecology 2005

Determining the Eco-toxicological Recovery of Black Creek (Wise County) and Ely Creek (Lee County) after Watershed Restoration of Abandoned Mine Lands and Acid Mine Drainage

Don Cherry Virginia Tech Final Report| Fact Sheet
Aquatic Ecology, Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design, Reforestation, Soils and Revegetation, Water Quality, Wildlife 2011

Stream Restoration – Long Term Performance: A Reassessment

Karl Williard Southern Illinois University Carbondale Final Report| Fact Sheet
Blasting 2009

Investigation of Advanced Electronic Detonator Application in Surface Coal Mine Blasting

Braden Lusk University of Kentucky Final Report| Fact Sheet| Appendix A| Appendix B
Blasting 2007

Acoustic Response of Structure to Blast Vibration Analyzed Against Comfort Levels of Residents Near Surface Coal Operations.

Braden Lusk University of Kentucky Final Report| Fact Sheet
Blasting 2007

Seismograph Geophone Coupling Protocols for Surface Coal Mine Blasting

Catherine Aimone-Martin Aimone-Martin Assoc. N/A
Carbon Dioxide 2009

CO2 Flux Field Delineation for Construction on Reclaimed Mine Land

Kwame Awuah-Offei University of Missouri Final Report| Fact Sheet| 2016 Environmental Earth Science Article| 2016 Minerals Article| 2015 Environmental Earth Science Article| 2014 Environmental Earth Science Article
Coal Combustion Residue 2005

Development of Rapid Assessment Protocols for Beneficial Use of Post-2000 Coal Combustion Products in Virginia Coal Mines

Lee Daniels Virginia Tech Final Report
Coal Refuse 2016

Field Investigation and Stability Analysis of Coal Slurry Impoundments

Ming Xiao Penn State University Final Report
Coal Refuse 2015

Rheology of Fine Coal Refuse and Observations of In-Situ Characteristics

Palomino Drumm University of Tennessee N/A
Coal Refuse 2012

Blasting Effects on Coal Refuse Impoundment Structures

Braden Lusk University of Kentucky Final Report| Fact Sheet
Coal Refuse 2012

Geotechnical Properties and Flow Behavior of Coal Refuse under Static and Impact Loading

David Zeng Case Western Reserve University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Coal Refuse 2007

Predicting Contaminant Leaching Potentials for Central Appalachian Overburden and Coal Refuse Materials.

Lee Daniels Virginia Tech Final Report| Fact Sheet
Coal Refuse, Water Quality 2016

Batch Method to Measure TDS Generation Potential from Coal Refuse

Wlliam Burgos Penn State University N/A
Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design 2016

Hydrology Based Design of Geomorphic Evapotranspiration Covers for Reclamation of Mine Land

Fred Zhang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory N/A
Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design 2015

Implementation of a Small-Scale Geomorphic Landform Reclamation Project in Appalachia

Hopkinson West Virginia University and WVDEP N/A
Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design 2012

Assessing Geomorphic Reclamation in Valley Fill Design for West Virginia

Leslie C. Hopkinson West Virginia University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design 2012

Evaluation of Geomorphic Reclamation Performance and Models in the Southwestern United States

Mark C. Stone University of New Mexico N/A
Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design 2007

Quantifying the Functional Value of Stream and Wetland Mitigation Structures on Reclaimed Surface Mines in West Virginia

Todd Petty West Virginia University Water Research Institute Final Report| Fact Sheet
Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design 2005

Investigation of Alternatives for Restoring Headwater Streams via Sediment Pond Removal in the Appalachian Coal Belt Region

Richard Warner University of Kentucky Final Report| Objectives
Mine Mapping 2008

Assessment of Environmental Impacts in Coal Mining Sites Using a Predictive GIS-based Environmental Mining Decision Support System (EMDSS)

Victor Ibeanusi Spelman College Final Report| Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation
Mine Mapping 2006

Robotic Survey and Mapping of Underground Mines

William L. Whittaker Carnegie Mellon University Final Report| Survey 1| Survey 2
Mine Pools 2005

Monitoring and Exploration for Flooded Pools in the Pittsburgh Coal Basin of Northern West Virginia

Joe Donovan West Virginia University Final Report| Plate 1| Plate 2| Appendix
Reforestation 2015

Effect of Grading Techniques and Forest Thinning on Productivity of High-Value Tree Species in Reforested Surface Mine Lands

J. Lhotka University of Kentucky Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2015

Evaluation of Small Tree and Shrub Plantings on Reclaimed Surface Mines in West Virginia

Skousen West Virginia University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2015

Compaction and Seedling Growth and Survival on Reclaimed Mines in the Western Gulf

Dr. Jeremy Stovall Stephen F. Austin State University N/A
Reforestation 2009

Development of a Modified Forest Reclamation Approach to Establish Coniferous Forest Plantations in the Pacific Northwest

Darlene Zabowski University of Washington Final Report
Reforestation 2009

Hardwood Reforestation on Post-Mined Land under Varying Soil Replacement Strategies in the Eastern Interior Region

Phillip Pope Purdue University Final Report| Fact Sheet| Thesis
Reforestation 2008

American Chestnut Restoration on Surface Mines Sites in the Appalachian Region

Robert Paris American Chestnut Foundation Final Report
Reforestation 2008

Determination of Soil Hydrologic Group for Minesoils Under Forestry Reclamation Approach in Appalachia

E. Pena-Yewtukhiw West Virginia University Final Report
Reforestation 2008

Establishing Hardwood Forests with American Chestnut using Forestry Reclamation Approach: Effects of Grading Practices and Ground Cover

James Burger Virginia Tech Final Report
Reforestation 2008

Field Investigation of Best Practices for Steep-Slope Mine Reclamation Employing the Forestry Reclamation Approach

Richard Sweigard University of Kentucky Final Report| Technical Paper
Reforestation 2008

Hardwood Tree Growth Using the Forestry Reclamation Approach in West Virginia

Jeff Skousen West Virginia University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2008

Reforestation of Steep Reclaimed Slopes in Appalachia: Forest Establishment and Function

Jennifer Franklin University of Tennessee Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2008

Reforestation of Steep Reclaimed Slopes: Stability and Sediment Control Considerations

Eric Drumm University of Tennessee Final Report| Final Report Revision| Technical Note
Reforestation 2008

The Use of commercial weed fabric and irrigation to enhance growth and survival of aspen and serviceberry on reclaimed surface mine lands

Robert Musselman USDA Forest Service Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2006

Mine Land Reclamation and American Chestnut Restoration: Bringing Technologies Together.

Brian C. McCarthy Ohio University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2006

Response of Transplanted Aspen to Drip Irrigation on Reclaimed Mine Lands

Robert C. Musselman USDA Forest Service Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2005

Demonstrate the Potential for Large-Scale Carbon Sequestration by Reforestation of Mined Lands Using Managed Forests

James Burger Virginia Tech Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation 2005

Development of a Field Procedure to Evaluate the Reforestation Potential of Reclaimed Surface-Mined Land

Richard Sweigard University of Kentucky Final Report| Fact Sheet
Reforestation, Water Quality 2016

Evaluating the Influence of the Forestry Reclamation Approach on Water Quality and Hydrology on Appalachian Coal Mines

Christopher Barton University of Kentucky Research Foundation N/A
Reforestation, Water Quality 2016

Spoil Type and Forestry Reclamation Approach Effect on Discharge Water Quality at Reclaimed Surface Mine Site in West Virginia

Amir Hass / Jeff Skousen West Virginia State University and West Virginia University N/A
Soils and Revegetation 2011

Identifying Effective Strategies for Controlling Annual Bromes on Mine Lands

Matthew Rinella USDA Agricultural Research Service N/A
Soils and Revegetation 2009

Assessing nonnative invasive vegetation at reclaimed surface mine sites of the Southern Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region

Yong Wang and Dawn Lemke Alabama A and M University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Soils and Revegetation 2008

A System to Evaluate Prime Farmland Reclamation Success Based on Spatial Soil Properties.

Robert Dunker University of Illinois Final Report| Fact Sheet
Soils and Revegetation 2006

Establishing Shrubs to Achieve Bond Release on Colorado Coal Mines - A Demonstration of Methods

Mark W. Paschke Colorado State University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Soils and Revegetation 2006

Influence of Plant Community Structure and Topsoil Handling Method on Soil Structure Development and Microbial Community Recovery in Reclaimed Soil.

Peter D. Stahl University of Wyoming Final Report| Fact Sheet
Soils and Revegetation 2005

Analysis of Vegetation, its Composition and its Habitat for Mine Reclamation

T. Weaver Montana State University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Soils and Revegetation, Water Quality 2016

Miscanthus Production on Mine Soil and its Impacts on Soil Water Balances and Transport of Potential Water Pollutants in Ohio

David Ussiri Ohio State University Final Report
Soils and Revegetation, Water Quality 2016

Using Novel Geophysical Techniqures to Relate Surface Coal Mining Fill Characteristics to Effulent Stream Water Quality

Erich Hester Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University N/A
Subsidence 2007

Enhancing Mine Subsidence Prediction and Control Methodologies for Long-Term Landscape Stability

Michael Karmis Virginia Tech Final Report| Fact Sheet
Subsidence 2005

Stream Dewatering Project- Underground mine Subsidence And Its Influence on Stream Flow at High and Low Base Flow Conditions

Henry Rausch West Virginia University Fact Sheet
Water Quality 2012

Underground Coal Gasification: Water-Quality Hazards and Risk Mitigation Strategies

Joshua White Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Final Report| Fact Sheet
Water Quality 2011

Correlation of TDS Release Potentials with Field Leaching Behaviors for Appalachian Coal Mine Spoils and Coarse Refuse

Lee Daniels Virginia Tech Final Report| Fact Sheet
Water Quality 2009

Developing WEPP-Mine: A Management Tool for Western Alkaline Surface Coal Mines

Joan Wu Washington State University Final Report| Fact Sheet| Appendix A| Appendix B| Appendix C
Water Quality 2008

RBDMS for Water Online: Providing Coal Operators and Their Laboratories Data Review and Reporting Capabilities via Web-enabled Water Quality Database/GIS and Providing On-demand Water Quality Data to the Public

Scott Kell Ohio DNR N/A
Water Quality 2007

Development of a WCMS-HSPF Groundwater Model Component for Underground Mine Hydrologic Assessment

Jerald Fletcher West Virginia University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Water Quality 2007

Method Development for Watershed Sediment Budgets to Support CHIA/PHC Process: A Focus on Sediment Modeling for Estimating Sediment Loads.

John Schwartz University of Tennessee Final Report| Fact Sheet| Appendices
Water Quality 2007

Modeling the Hydrologic Effects of Longwall Mining on the Shallow Aquifer System using MODFLOW with Telescopic Mesh Refinement

Collin Booth Northern Illinois University Final Report| Fact Sheet
Water Quality 2006

An Evaluation of Best Management Practice Efficiencies in Reducing Total Dissolved Solids Loads from Active and Abandoned Mine Lands and AMD.

James Kern Map Tech Inc. Final Report| Fact Sheet
Water Quality 2006

Development of a Rapid Geomorphic Assessment Technique to Support the CHIA/PHC Process: A Focus on Model Improvement for Estimating Sediment Loads.

John S. Schwartz University of Tennessee Final Report| Fact Sheet| User Manual
Wildlife 2008

Evaluating Indiana bat (myotis sodalis) habitat conditions on surface coal mine sites using remote sending technologies: Pilot Study

Michael Starr Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Final Report| Fact Sheet
Wildlife 2006

A method for identifying natural areas potentially containing rare species and critical wildlife habitat (and outstanding natural areas by assessing vegetation through spacial analysis utilizing remote sensing and aerial survey data in combination with existing GIS coverage of ecological data.)

Martina Hines Kentucky Nature Preserve Final Report| Fact Sheet
Water Quality 2020

Backfill Geochemical Model and Treatments for Lessening Solute
Mobility and Improving Aquifer Water Quality in Restored Coal Mine Pits,
Powder River Basin

Jeff Langman University of Idaho Final Report| Fact Sheet
Acid Mine Drainage 2020

Use of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Waste as a Soil Amendment

Leslie C. Hopkinson West Virginia University Final Report
Geomorphic Reclamation and Natural Stream Design 2020

Geomorphic Landform Design to Optimize Impoundment Closure

John Quaranta West Virginia University Final Report
Acid Mine Drainage 2020

Co-treatment of Acid Mine Drainage in Municipal Wastewater Plants for Sustainable Design in Reclamation

Mine Pools 2016

Tools to Predict the Hydrological Response and Mine Pool Formation in Underground Coal Mines

Dina Lopez and Natalie Kruse Ohio University Final Report| Fact Sheet